Monday, December 19, 2011

A Good Reason To Keep Good People In Your Life

After agreeing with someone in my 9 percent, I really do believe people are put in your life for a good reason.  I also believe that it's up to you do decide who actually stays and who goes.   I've seen plenty of times where people would let good people go out of their lives.  Now that's what I call "Blocking your blessing".  I made it a point to keep those who benefit me in every aspect of life.  I never tried to wonder what a person can do for me financially, but I got to know those people and the good qualities they have in them.  The people I'm talking about can be put into two categories, family, and friends. 

First, your family are your blood relatives.  No matter how much they get on your nerves, you're still related.  I really love this category because no matter how distant you are, you can still find support when you need it in this group.  This group can help make sure you stay out of trouble and help you out in emergency situations.  It doesn't always have to be in extreme situations.  I can appreciate the small things like taking me to band practice or attending the concerts.  I remember my dad committing to driving the band instruments to the football games.  I also remember my mom immediately putting me on her car insurance and tossed me the keys to her new car when I had car problems hours before my senior prom. 

I have family that supported me all the way through school.  Whether it's an uncle from Dallas who appears to be as excited as you are for you going through school or your wife who supports you in every way to get through every step in life.  There were some who have helped me financially.  There are times when things get a little rough and you have more than just a little bump in the road.  You can really appreciate having someone who can help you when you need it. The point is, make sure you stay close to the right people in this group.  Make sure you know there are also family members who will try to knock you down if you let them.  I don't need to talk about these people because they know who they are.

Next, there are your friends.  These people are basically just like your family.  The main difference is that you aren't blood relatives.  The people in this group have a good chance of knowing more about you than your family does.  These people can be around you more than anyone.  When I was stationed in Beaufort, SC, I had no family with me.  I can really appreciate the friends in my life.  I had this, "We are in this together" type of feeling with these people.  These were the only people I had when I was stationed overseas during Christmas time.  Although it was great to talk to my mom, dad, brother, and sisters on the phone super-long distance with a few seconds delay, it was still great to have someone there with you to ease that crappy feeling of being so far away during that time of year. 

These people come in you life right when you need them.  When I was in school, I had people who helped motivate you through class and make sure you keep your head on straight.  I know there was a couple, just a couple, of times where I felt like finding something else to do in order to support my family.  Some of these people have helped me find a way to stay on track.  Now I can sit back with my accomplishments.  I can only imagine the regret I would feel if would've felt if I didn't finish.

I can honestly say I don't have many aquaintances in my life.  I see an aquaintance as a gateway between being one of your friends or a learning experience of someone you don't need in your life.  I believe with the human race we need each other, whether you believe it or not, in order to survive.  You have to make sure you find the right combination of people to be around you that will help make sure you're successful.

Whole point of this is to let you all know that I thank God and say thank you to all of my family and friends in my life and everything you've done even the ones who brought negativity in my life.

This is my say of making up for not giving a speech during my graduation party.

Merry Christmas.

Monday, November 14, 2011

No Certain Holiday Required For Me.... wait to take time out to appreciate someone or something.  I've been meaning to do this for about a week now (which shows how much I can procrastinate).  I didn't feel like waiting until next May to talk about how I appreciate my mother, Brenda. 

She's taught many life lessons during my time here on this earth.  She is also the only member in my family to welcome to introduce me to the 9% Population (inside joke).  She taught me how to stand up for myself and be there for others whenever there is a need to do so.  There were times when she wasn't able to be there.  I was able to look at it as a way to let me fall so I can see what it is like to be able get back up on my own.  I believe that is a great way to be there for anyone. 

She has taught all of us how to be strong.  The way things has gone for her lately she has really shown us how much strength she can really show. When people tell me how proud of the accomplishments I have achieved so far, she is one of the first people I thank for helping me reach my own goals. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Be Careful Of What You Pray For....

....because you just might get it.

Sometimes, you won't notice that your prayer has been answered until after you sit back and evaluate that current point of your life.  Here's my example:

There was a time in my life where the only women in my life made me give up on, not the perfect woman, but the woman that's perfect for me.  I've met women that were superficial, materialistic, ignorant, arrogant, etc.  I've met a woman that was looking for a man to immediately take full care of her.....and her children.  Not that I have anything against women with children, but you have to really be ready to step into a position like that.  I remember one girl told me that I should sell drugs so I can make more money.  I remember the final straw was when a girl, yes I said girl, I dated compared me to her baby's father.  I really hate to be compared to anyone especially someone who was about to get out of jail.

At this point, I just said F*#! It!!  I started to really believe that women really want a man who could care less about them.  So, I started dating multiple women and did very little to hide the fact that I was doing it.  The sad thing is that almost all of them knew about each other.  You would think that I would be jumping for joy at this opportunity bestowed upon me but I was completely miserable.  How can you be happy when one of the women you date has a long term goal to get her hair "did."

I remember praying to God about this whole situation.  I prayed for a while.  I eventually let all of those women go.  While I was working at Radio Shack I got a call from another store telling me about a customer who was on the way from their store.  Little did I know that phone call changed my life.  I met this woman who turned out to be everything I prayed for.  Amazing.  I've never been with any woman who has stood beside me in the good and the bad.  There were times where I felt like giving up and she was there to help me "keep it in the road."

I remember telling her this a few years ago but I notice myself lately thanking God for her being in my life a lot.    I've had people telling me how proud they are of me because of how far I've come so far but I can't help but think of how proud I am to have the wife I have today.  People tell me they can't see how I do what I do with the school and work.  I can't see me doing any of this without her helping me through everything.

The way I see it, God put those other women in my life so I can be able to appreciate the wife I have today.  I really believe that none of the other women would've went as far as my wife and I.  The only thing I can after all of this is.....thank you Tessa for being you and I couldn't ask for more.

S.N. I also prayed for a woman with a nice booty and.......thank you God!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Things Don't Always Turn Out The Way We Planned

If things went my way, I would've graduated college at age 22 which would've been around year 2003.  I still would've been married around age 25 which would been around year 2007.  Well, I ended up going into the military which I had no plans of ever joining.  I got out in year 2003.  That squashed my plans of graduation around that time frame.  I got married in 2005 and "We Stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill Together!!"

So, thing didn't go the way I "wanted".  Oh well.  With the way things turned out so far, there's no need to regret anything.  I'm very happy with the way things are so far.  At this point, I barely say this, but I am very proud of myself for not completely throwing away my initial plans.  They might not have went the way planned initially, but with a few modifications, everything went alright.  I guess it would be nice for everything in your life to go the way you plan.  It's good to do a little planning every now and then.  In my opinion, it's a little difficult to start a 10 year plan when your 12.

I do plan on sticking to my current 15 year plan:

  1. Renewed my vows at least once or twice.
  2. Obtain my MBA and PE license.
  3. Have all debt paid in full.
  4. Have both kids out of the house and in school on their way to do better than their parents.  (I'm rooting for you both!!)
Not so much to ask for.  We'll see.....

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

There always has to be a first.....

Apparently, I'm one of those people who always have random, but logical, thoughts at any given time of the day.  It would usually be at a time where I can't or don't have the time to write it down.  That would usually lead to me forgetting about the whole thought all together.  I've told myself for about a year to just create my own blog and post these thoughts whenever they come around.  Now that I've done this........I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO TALK ABOUT!!!!

So, What I'm going to do is just start off by introducing myself.

Well, self, as you already know, I'm a graduate of Charles F. Vigor high school.  Class of 1999.  I joined the US Marines in July of the same year.  I've seen and enjoyed most of my time in the military and don't regret anything that happened while I was in.  But, it obviously wasn't all peaches and cream since I'm not still enlisted.  I remember coming into work summer of 2000 and seeing a group of contractors doing the same job as I except a few minor details:

First, I noticed the lack of stress involved in their job unless you count the intense spades game happening in the hangar bay while we were doing the daily F.O.D. walk and morning aircraft checks.

Second, after the second launch was sent off, we look down the flight deck to see a few of the contractors sleep under the wing of their aircraft.

Third, I'm not going to get into the pay difference........

There were other details that also inspired me to think beyond a career in the military.  Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with making a career in fighting for our country.  I just wanted to show you more opportunities out there and make sure you can get the best out of life.  Anywho.....

Now that that's out of the way, here's college.  When it comes to college, it felt like I spent most of my life going through the process of finishing it.  I'm proud to say that this college thing proves to you that there are more opportunities in life.  The proof comes with the scholarships, co-ops, and internships you've obtained!!!

Well, self, that's it for now.  Stay tuned for more later.

P.S.  You should know that this is the first and only blog you've ever done.  So, if someone feels like making stupid comments about the way you say things, tell them to go play in traffic.